Installation of SeqVISTA

bullet Installation of SeqVISTA

bullet Installation for Windows Systems

The latest version of SeqVISTA for Win OS can be download at:

Once you download the zip file, extract the zip file to a temporary directory, then double-click the extracted file named "setup.exe". The installation of SeqVISTA will now begin and please follow the screen instructions. We recommend that you accept the default parameters during the installation.

The installation will create a program group named "SeqVISTA", please select "Launch SeqVISTA" to load SeqVISTA as shown in the following figure:



Installation for Mac OS

Extra requirement (See Installation Requirements for more information):
1.Your Mac can extract tar file. I use "stuffit expander" and I was  told that for Mac 10 the system may have built-in program to extract tar file.


1. Get the tar file of the latest SeqVISTA at
2. Click on the tar file link and download will start.
3. Extract the tar file named SeqVISTA.tar. In my case, "stuffit expander" is automatically activated when downloaded is finished.
4. Once the tar file is extracted, a fold named SeqVISTA will be created under your current directory (in my case, it is created under my Desktop)

That is all, SeqVISTA has been installed on your Mac. There are two ways to run SeqVISTA in Mac:

1. If you have JDK installed (instead of JRE), double click SeqVISTA.jar under directory SeqVISTA, SeqVISTA will be started.

2. open a terminal window, go to the SeqVISTA directory (in my case, it is ~/Desktop/SeqVISTA/), type in following command:

java -classpath .:SeqVISTA.jar SeqVISTA

SeqVISTA will also start successfully.


Installation for other systems

Download the latest version of SeqVISTA (tar file/zip file) at:

Extract the downloaded SeqVISTA.tar using the following command:

tar -xvf SeqVISTA.tar

After the above command, a new directory named "SeqVISTA" will be created and SeqVISTA can be launched by running the script file in that directory.

Please be aware that you need to have JDK/JRE 1.4 available to run SeqVISTA except the windows version. See Installation Requirements for more information.

bullet Installation Requirements

If you install SeqVISTA on the windows system, please ignore following statement unless you want to develop SeqVISTA plugin.

SeqVISTA has been developed using Java and requires Java Run-Time Environment (JRE) or Java 2 Standard Development Kit (JSDK) 1.4 or above to run.  If you plan to develop SeqVISTA's Parser/Analysis Plug-in, please install JSDK. To see whether you have the right version of java on your system, simply open a shell window (or Dos Prompt Window in Win OS) and type in the following command:

java -version

You will be told that "Can not find the command" or the like if you do not have java installed on your system. Otherwise, please read the information in the shell window carefully to make sure you have the right version of JRE/JDK.

If you need to install JRE/JDK, please visit following site:

Please select the corresponding download based on your Operating System. For example, if you are using Win OS (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, or XP), you need to download JRE or SDK for "Windows (all languages, including English)". Once you have it downloaded on your computer, double-click the downloaded file and follow the screen instructions for JRE/JSDK installation. We recommend that you accept the default parameters for the installation. The detailed instructions for JRE installation can be found at:

and for JSDK: