This directory contains the datasets that were analyzed in our Clover paper. 15ERE : the 15 estrogen response elements that were embedded in random sequences to test Clover. hs_dopamine_nr.fa (56.8% G+C): 23 sequences upstream of human dopamine responsive genes. mm_dopamine.fa (53.3% G+C): 23 sequences upstream of mouse dopamine responsive genes. 15_LSFseqs.efa (51.7% G+C): 15 sequences flanking LSF binding sites. This file is in "extended fasta format", which just means that "#" is recognized as a comment character. muscle_nr.fa (56.0% G+C): 27 muscle regulatory regions, from the compilation by Wasserman and Fickett. liver.fa (42.7% G+C): 16 liver regulatory regions, from the compilation by Krivan and Wasserman (go Wasserman!) Berman_example_CRM_sequences.fa (43.0% G+C): 19 Drosophila embryonic regulatory regions, compiled by Berman, Nibu et al.